“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law”
Proverbs 29:18, ESV
Restoring Vision 2020 is a FREE 21 day devotional to help clarify your purpose and understand how it impacts the various aspects of your personal and professional life.
The devotional tackles three key areas:
Confronting false vision
through repentance and gratitude
Establishing clear vision
by reading the Word, praying and listening
Exercising correct vision
through life planning and setting SMART goals
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.
Matthew 11:28-30, MSG
A re you feeling like you’ve somehow lost sight of what this season of your life is really about? Has the rat race not provided the satisfaction you thought it would? Or do you maybe feel disappointed by how certain life situations turned out despite earnestly praying?
Whatever the reason, thanks for joining us on this journey to Restoring Vision.
In this FREE devotional, we will be turning to the Bible to better understand God’s vision for us all. There is no prophesying here, only Bible based teachings to keep you on track with God’s vision. By understanding God’s vision, you can then understand your God-given purpose and create a plan for life to make God’s vision a reality in your life.
The past year was eventful for us to say the least and as we step into this new year and decade, we find ourselves invited by God to do a vision checkup. Whether it’s because He knows there is something especially wrong that needs prompt attention or just to make sure nothing goes wrong until the next checkup, we’ve learned to trust His invitations to come to and get away with Him.
God loves us all so much, and He is eager to teach us His unforced rhythms of grace as the Message version so beautifully puts the verse above. As we embark it’s important for us to stress this isn’t a silver bullet – you get out of this what you put in. You don’t go to the gym and expect your personal trainer (PT) to do the reps for you to achieve your body goals. You are the one who will have to put in the work to restore your vision. See us as your Vision PTs providing you with a supportive vision training schedule to follow.
For this devotional our advice is: make a commitment to God and yourself that you will take and spend time with Him and restore your vision, that you won’t rush it this time, that you won’t put things off to a distant tomorrow. Why can’t tomorrow be today?
Questions to ask yourself
1. How much time and energy are you willing and able to give to this? Can you commit to it daily?
2. What are you hoping for your future?
3. What are you expecting from the 21 days we will be spending together?
A Prayer To get you started
Father, thank you that you are calling us to yourself. Your Word says your sheep know your voice and as your sheep we don’t want to miss the invitation you have extended to us at this time. Whatever it is that we faced in the past year/decade and whatever is to come for us in this new one, help us to be clear on the vision you have set before us, our vision of you and our vision of ourselves.
In Jesus’ Name, we pray.
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Day 1 – Getting Right With Vision
Today we spend time defining vision, understanding why it is important and how this all links to God’s vision for our lives.
Day 2 – Vision Gone Wrong: Correction through Repentance
We explore how repentance is one way of getting right with God and correcting false vision.
Day 3 – Vision Gone Wrong: Correction Through Gratitude
Following on from yesterday, gratitude of God’s provision and eternal love can make His vision clear to us again.
Day 4 – Tuning into God’s Vision
We are each a puzzle piece with a specific place and purpose within God’s vision for a unified Heaven and Earth
Day 5 – God’s Purpose For All Christians
All Christians have a unique purpose in God’s vision. But we all share the same purpose of knowing God and making God known.
Day 6 – God’s Purpose For You
We each have a unique God given purpose which in turn gives us a unique role to play in God’s vision.
Day 7 – You and God: Vision Planning
We explore God’s vision for our relationship with Him, and how this supports us truly living our best lives.
Day 8 – You and God: Sustainable Success
After conducting vision planning yesterday, today, we answer the Five A Questions to achieve sustainable success with our vision plans
Day 9 – Self: vision planning
We explore God’s vision for our relationship with ourselves and why it is so important to care and develop ourselves.
Day 10 – Self: Sustainable Success
We consider how we can keep SMART goals and habits for self-care and self-development sustainable and successful
Day 11 – You, Family and Friends: Vision Planning
We explain God’s vision for our relationship with family and friends and why we need to learn and teach the value of honour.
Day 12 – You, Family and Friends: Sustainable Success
We delve into how we can keep SMART goals and habits for family relationships and friendships sustainable and successful.
Day 13 – You and the World: Vision Planning
We explore God’s vision for our relationship with the World around us and why it is so important for us all to minister the Gospel, represent Christ, donate generously and conserve diligently.
Day 14 – You and the World: Sustainable Success
We examine how we can keep SMART goals and habits for our relationships with the World sustainable and successful.
Day 15 – You and your Work: Vision Planning
We look at God’s vision for our relationship with our work and why it is so important to invest in it with diligence and excellence.
Day 16 – You and your Work: Sustainable Success
We research how we can keep SMART goals and habits for our work sustainable and successful.
Day 17 – You and your Wealth: Vision Planning
We look at God’s vision for our wealth and why it is so important to see it as encompassing more than our money.
Day 18 – You and your Wealth: Sustainable Success
We research how we can keep SMART goals and habits for our wealth management sustainable and successful.
Day 19 – You and the Church: Vision Planning
We explored God’s vision for our relationship with the Church and why it is so important to regularly get together with other believers.
Day 20 – You and the Church: Sustainable Success
We consider how we can keep SMART goals and habits for our church contributions and relationships sustainable and successful.
Day 21 – Giving Thanks For Restored Vision
We look back on what we have learned from the 21 day devotional and praise God for the revelations we have had as well as the improvement of our relationship with Him.